Saturday, March 12, 2011

Random thoughts

IMG: weheartit

Science gives us fundamental, rational and logical evidence to every action, subject and concept. It throws light on details which are intricately woven into the fabric of mystery. It helps us push forward the frontiers of our knowledge which in turn prove to be beneficial for our progress. Moreover science helps us understand life. I would not hesitate here to say that we can draw parallels to scientific theories and philosophical theories, the abstractness and the ideas. What I mean by this is, we can explain philosophical idea with scientific evidence and add to this, philosophy can help in explaining fundamental scientific concepts. I will explain. I just need few moments of patient audience.

Suppose you are travelling in a train with hundred others. You have in your mind a thought of performing your day’s work efficiently, coming back home and relaxing with your family. We all have more or less same concerns. In a compartment of hundred others how many do you think will be having similar generalized to-do list for the day? All of them or at least a majority of them. So don’t you think that for the time you are in that compartment, you are sharing a bond of commonness with your fellow commuters? So also, you share a bond with the person driving the train. For random timings, the commuters are on a parallel level with the driver and with each other, sharing bonds. For that short interval, you all are together, your lives are interlinked and there is an overlap between your invisible sphere and sphere of other fellow beings.   

All these bonds are temporary. They do not last long. No sooner do you get down on the platform than your bonds break and it does not end there. You make space for new bonds to form. This way in a single day you are incessantly making and breaking unseen bonds of commonness, anonymity, dreams, aspirations, etc.  

Does that cue you something in science or to be specific in chemistry? There you are. The word is – van der Waal force or may be hydrogen bonding. Think of water. How many hydrogen bonds does it form and break in fraction of a second?

When two uncharged atoms are brought very close together, their surrounding electron clouds influence each other. Random variations in the positions of the electrons around one nucleus may create a transient opposite electric dipole in the nearby atom. The two dipoles weakly attract each other bringing two nuclei closer. These weak attractions are called van der Waals interactions.

Back from chemistry lab. We are but molecules in this open system called – World, continually undergoing invisible bonding with each other. So in this way an idea can be supported by science and science in turn can be supported by an idea. I see them both as the two lines of a railway track – similar and parallel but never converging. One supports the other and the other in turn supports his supporter!

Much similar to ‘symbiosis’ - a concept of in biology – living together of unlike organisms!  

This is the fantasy of studying fundamental science. It provides me a perfect reason to back my thinking. It provides a way to get closer to life. 

I so love it! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beauty Within

I am changing.
I am changing for the best.
I feel that optimism in me.
I feel that faith in my thoughts.
I feel I have it already.
I am tuning into to the best frequencies.
I am listening to the response sent back.
I am getting what I want. 
I will get more of what I want.
I have seen the bright life.
I am getting the brightest of them all.
I am changing.
I am changing for best.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To You,

“Follow your dreams and your dreams will follow you!”  
-          Paulo Coelho

I know you can’t think any other inspirational quote when you think about life and I also know that you can’t think about any other author when you muse on your dreams. And that is why I quoted him at the very start of this letter. If I were to ask you how your life has been since you first learned to learn what life is, what will be your answer? Will you be really comfortable facing the truth of past? The answer is No. It’s because your childhood has been too good to have thought about all the overtly glaring miseries of life. But you did start understanding life as you started growing up. You were 15 then. It was the time of metamorphosis. You were no longer your own old self. Your dreams rapidly transformed and your words rapidly changed. But unfortunately it didn’t reflect upon your actions much! This was five steps forward but two steps backward walk. Although these years did lessen that transformed beauty, it didn’t change even a bit of the desire to fly high.

There was a period of hibernation in your life. You were in your lowest forms where your mind ate you up every day for not having given a least try. This was the time of increased randomness when you were for sometime trapped in your own limits and your inner soul thirsted for that freedom. Your hypocritical rationale nearly extinguished that burning fire. And so it was the time for an involuntary movement in the direction where the wind was blowing. It was a period of conventionalism. There are times in everybody’s life when they question themselves whether this is what they really want to do, whether the path they have chosen is the right path, whether they are really following what they have dreamed of and whether they are doing enough to achieve it. You too have questioned your self on several occasions, more than a hundred times, when you were stuck with the conventional. You have questioned yourself whether what you are doing will bring any change in the world or will really make someone’s life better or make someone happier for what he/she is or whether your work and efforts will really make a difference. You keep looking deep and as much deeper as you can. You analyze every little speck of your thought, every idea crossing your mind. And it is now when this contemplation has got you standing at this stage requiring you of the sacrifice. I know you are brave enough for that, for a sacrifice is nothing but a firm belief in your faiths, yourself and in Almighty.  

And here you are today with a revived spirit and a fresh mind. It’s never too late to follow what you believe in. You might not get what you desire but at least your conscience will not eat you up for not having tried. I wrote this letter in recognition of your decision to brave the storm. Power to you!

“Only mediocrity is safe. Take your risks and be the best!”
-          Paulo Coelho

Your own free Soul.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A retrospect

Lolloping around with friends, cousins and sometimes strangers of same age as mine, childhood was bliss. I dearly miss those fun filled light days when there were only 3 activities – eating, sleeping and playing, only 2 known essentials - masti and dosti and only 1 intense interest – cartoons!

 For hours together, I played with other jumping jacks at our second only home – the play ground. Soil was an open board on which we would write each other’s name, monochrome clay with which we built the castles, a scented element during the first rain and (at times) a delicious tidbit too, while the grass was a cushion, a bed to roll over, a racing track to run wildly on and a place loved by all. Hours we spent shouting and screaming, singing and dancing, chasing and running and pausing at intervals, gasping and declaring the chosen word – ‘tamplese’!

 Days were simply days, there were no weekdays or any weekends. Time was one continuous stretch, a changing yet constant entity. The sunlight was never scorching nor was the night too dark for a game with group of friends. The call for the day was the call of my mother asking me to return home for a lovely hot supper. Till that time we know nothing of the world as we are too engrossed in our little world of lappa-chupi, pakda-pakdi and jhula.

 Some evenings were spent cycling around the trees while others were spent chasing the colourful butterflies, catching the delicate helicopters and annoying the serene grasshoppers. There was not a single concern to disturb our play time. Although there was one big intermission (of about 5 mins) where we all stood randomly with a glass in hand waiting impatiently to drink water. Ahh! What a long relief from intense activity!!

 Songs we sang were those of the ‘fire in the mountains....’ and ‘who stole the cookies...’. There was still longer list of others including ‘captain planet……he’s the hero’, ‘flint stones….the modern Stone Age family…’, ‘jungle jungle baat chali…’, ‘sabse nirala sabse anokha mera Disney hour….’. If you say – playing is the first life of a child, then you will unanimously agree to the fact that – cartoons is the second. It was as if there was only one channel on the television and our eyes and ears, intently watching and listening, would be shut to the rest of the world.

IMG: suite101

School was a routine where we were forgetful, reluctant, naughty and cranky. While teachers were respected and also feared when the homework was not done, the Principal was a person holding the highest position ever know to us.

IMG: Lafayette

We were aware of only our little world and hence everything around was our possession! And how proudly we declared them – my pencil, my water-bottle, my school, my house, my mom, my dad! It was towards mom that we ran for every little and silly thing. It was her lap which was the most comfortable couch and kiss on our cheeks which we well deserved. While mom was the most beautiful woman, dad was the most strongest. His arms and shoulders were of steel as we would witness him easily break open the lids of the tins and jars. All we expected from him was a pat on our back exclaiming good girl/boy.


We were so full of life yet unaware about the treasure of joy that we had. It was the ignorance of our ignorance. And that was the sole reason for our happiness as some one has rightly said – IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Indeed blissful we were in the days of our childhood. If only we could rewind the time and breathe life into the child in us….

IMG: inetgiant

(I want every child to enjoy his/her childhood the way I did, but unfortunately.....) 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Interior wings

IMG: weheartit

A voice I hear
Comes into being
A voice without a form
Calls from deep within

A call I hear
When I drench in the rain
When I flow with wind
When I laugh in pain

 A dream I dream
In core silent night
Day, I see omens
Truth fills the light

Subtle nuance I feel
Dwells in my smile
A shade of beauty
Infantile, puerile, juvenile

A fire in me
Ignites my soul
Cites my wishes
Reigns new role

A voice, a call
A nuance, a fire
Elements all are
Of my wish my desire

Nor in my heart
Neither in mind it hides
But in my every biomolecule
It resides.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Turn right Turn strong

When much needed, the words don’t reach,
When time runs out, thoughts disband,
Decisions shilly-shally on their own,
Leaving in clutter warm mind’s home.
Do you realize you are in a trap?
Illusion grips your distressed soul,
What you wanted is now your enemy,
Deriding your unfounded feelings of envy.
Gushes through your throat, rough anger,
Strangely silencing your outcry,
Unaided you stand repenting the waste,
Powerless, feeble, vulnerable, helpless.
You are sans speech,
You are sans peace,
You are sans love,
You are sans yourself.
It is now when you need someone,
Strongest and most Stable,
To cordon your distortions,
To tame the evil foundations.
When I face such situation,
To that Strongest and most Stable I turn,
A few basic questions I ask,
And brace myself for a new task.
Task is to brave the odds on way,
With only weapons in my hands,
Patience and perseverance they identify,
As my determination touch the sky.
Of the result, then I am not worried,
In serene ambience resides my heart,
Solutions are tossed upon the test,
Since You made me stronger, O Strongest!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


(IMG: Fotosearch

You are writing a section which is being dictated by someone standing at a few yards from you. Your nap chemicals are having a day out in your body. It is just at the moment of their freedom that you realize your entry into the semi-sleep mode. Your hand refuses to co-ordinate with your brain or rather your brain fails to send active signals to your hand. When this sync gets disturbed, your on-the-verge-of-defeat conscious mind passes the NOC for the subconscious mind to take over. This subconscious mind is actually your second mind which has been playing a subordinate to the conscious or the first mind up till now. While you were busy writing what was being dictated, your second mind was singing a song much like a stereo playing some soothing track in the background while you indulge yourself in luxury. Writing some words being spoken is not any luxury of course! The second mind gains authority over the control station and executes its parlance via the hand which is galumphing around the page like a lost and dejected soul. You start writing down the song much like a Bollywood heart-broken hero lip-syncing a gloomy solo somewhere in the middle of mesmerizing landscapes. How can one ignore those heavenly holiday destinations! One word, two words, three, four....the words start pouring out of your karaoke jargon and it goes something like....... 'il be your drem il be your vish.....' Yes that's your favourite song! But the lease is only for few seconds and the conscious mind gains back the control before the threshold is crossed. This is only in the cases when you are sitting upright on a chair. Had you been lying down on the couch or bed, relaxing your ever stressed legs, the second mind would have strengthened its power to operate the control station for a longer time. Now you have before you, few artistically written words surprising you with their meaning and relation to what you were doing previously. Yes, its unimaginable!, you think, give an uncanny smile to yourself and take a sip of water before you resume the writing, asking yourself, "Did any one see what I did just now?"  :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Morning was at its infancy today, when
The silk breeze, golden sun and cold land,
Gave me a treasure chest
To share with the world around -    
A hope for a better, bright and beautiful future 
A hope for days full of love, peace and care
A hope for joyous and healthy generation
A hope for a cheerful world this new year.
I share these with you
With a thought in my mind 
May you forward with grit towards your aim 
Cherishing all days you leave behind.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jesus and child

"O Father," asks a child,
"How long can a leaf retain its greenery
It has to dry and shed one day.
How long can flowers keep their color
They have to turn black one day.
How long can a trunk remain sturdy
It has to embrace weakness one day.
How long can fruits stay sweet and juicy
They have to become stale one day."

In calm and soothing voice HE replies,
"A dust to dust rule defines,
'Life is a circle
Alternating fresh and pale.
Flowers will enjoy their fragrant dream
Just when every grey will turn green.'
And your eyes will see
The reincarnating beauty,
Oceans of joy will rise in your mind
When the transient Turning Point you find." 

Moving with all

Photo: Anders Blomqvist/Lonely Planet

This journey I take everyday
With million faces all around
Together we are still alone we feel
With myraid feelings that surround.

This journey I take everyday
A million unseen bonds I make
A bond of anonymity, fellowship, support
Bonds that randomly form and break.

This journey I take everyday
A commonness with all I share
A feeling, a dream, a desire in heart
A wish of beautiful life someday, somewhere.

This journey I take everyday
The world's progress I witness
Growth, development whatever we may name
Its all for our human race.

This journey I take everyday
How much ever trivial it may seem
Like a flowing river I move with all
In search of truth and meaning and dream.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back and forth

I look at myself and wonder how I change
As my thoughts mutate in a wide range.

Sometimes I am so selfishly me, mine
Sometimes I forget the alphabet I and its sign.

There is turbulence and peace  
Alternating as an increase or decrease.

When it should be a Yes
No always indifferently messes.

When I think its wrong
Right surfaces and strikes the gong.

I forward with strength that world admires
I then step down fearing the burning pyres. 

Practicing and preaching moral values 
I ofttimes remain oblivious of my own views.

With others I am rude and arrogant 
But sometimes I be so softly pleasant.

I hate and disgrace a person at moments
But soon I find my love overflowing at events.

What I feel and think, I can't express
In solitude words combine as in press.

There are things I keep locked up as secrets
But then I myself open up all the closets. 

The child in me jumps up with ignorance
But then my intelligent adulthood maintains the stance. 

My goals change and vary with time
I just wish I attain the crucial, best and prime. 

I muse how I manage to sit on this swing
And get this genre of rhyme whenever I sing.

As my heart oscillates in this way so strange
I look at myself and wonder how I change.

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Can't believe I broke.
Can't believe I cried.
Can't believe I resiled.
Can't believe I smiled.

Its a short story of HOPE
HOPE that keeps me going on.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Firsthand story

The catastrophe theory finally applied itself on 6th July after remaining dormant for almost six years of my life. Replying back to the mail was like breaking the cyst simply to reach out and be myself. That big sized bold font mail was seeking attention and participation of all the Greenpeace volunteers to raise a strong voice, a voice for change, a voice against injustice. A nation wide Public Consultation on the Civil Nuclear Liability Bill was announced by the Government following the pressure put by the fierce opposition, the activists and the concerned NGOs. Had it not been for a juggernaut action of petition signing by Greenpeace, the government would have been completely ready to finalize and pass the bill. How can this democratic procedure ignore such a strong voice of its nation? And how can this work simply get done without passing through the two important stages of ridicule and opposition? I believe the bill is at its second stage of opposition right now moving rapidly towards the third stage of acceptance which will be commencing within 15 days. An irony, indeed it is that a country of a billion population is told to wrap up with a NATION WIDE PUBLIC CONSULTATION in just 15 days. It clearly reflects the ‘name-sake-ness’ attitude of the ruling party! This indeed is the very first argument of Greenpeace condemning the short time given for a public opinion.
I was very quick to make a decision of attending it and so I reached the Santacruze office sharp at 11am as was informed. I was all ready with my research on the subject and so the air around got more cleared once we were briefed in detail by a Greenpeace activist at the office. We were enlightened with so many aspects of the bill, its history and its likes in other countries. There we were, all of us, very well aware of the subject, ready to step ahead. But before everything could start taking shape, I volunteered for taking the minutes of the day. I had not done that earlier. Ergo, with full of excitement inward and contained expressions outward, I was on my toes, literally noting the ‘minutes’ of every event. With two core volunteers we left for the venue – the magnificent edifice of Mumbai University’s Convocation Hall. Making friends with gabby newbies was easier and fun too. One of the core volunteers went further by referring us as family. What a warmth I felt! This was just the by-product of the entire chemical reaction. The catalyst was that common feeling of doing something, even though small, for bringing the change by being the change. Same feeling was ubiquitous.
When we reached the venue, that awe-inspiring sight of the Hall diffused with golden light, couldn’t have been better. Those delicately carved wooden doors and adeptly designed interiors gave a British-era feeling. This ambience provided a perfect set-up for the talks to proceed. The attendees to the session included the activists, the victims, the journalists, academicians and common people. Soon to arrive was the Greenpeace team with banners and posters. The work immediately began to fix the banners in the Hall. Particularly depicting the calamitous aftermath of the nuclear disasters occurred around the world; the cold black and white posters sent a clear message that – Nuclear energy is not what we want and that ‘In India Polluters Pay!’.
The session started with the speech of HOD, Department of Law, University of Mumbai explaining about the nuclear power. His explanation caught up with the details defining the terms in simplified manner. The succeeding speakers talked on complete ban on nuclear energy and how government is ignoring so many of the important clauses in the bill. There are so many clauses in the bill which need amendments. Briefing a few and important of them:
· Clause 6: The maximum financial liability in case a nuclear accident occurs in nuclear reactors has been set to $458 million. The amount is very meagre when compared to the destruction caused by a nuclear accident. A same kind of law in U.S. has set the financial liability for such accident at $10.5 billion.
· Clause 7: The clause 7 defines the share of financial liability for each of the culpable groups. It states that the operator will have to pay Rs. 500 crore and the remaining amount will be paid by the Indian government. This is considered as a ridiculous point as the operator will be the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) which in itself is a government owned facility. The operator can claim the liabilities form the manufacturer and supplier if it is mentioned in the contract. But the maximum amount payable by the foreign companies will be a very little sum of Rs. 500 crore. Ultimately, it is the Indian taxpayer who will have to give the money even when the accident has occurred due to others mistakes.
· Clause 17: This clause deals with the legal binding of the culpable groups in case of a nuclear accident. It does allow only the operator (NPCIL) to sue the manufacturers and suppliers. The victims won’t be able to sue anyone. Practically, no one is considered legally liable because the recourse taken by the operator will yield only Rs. 500 crore at maximum.
· Clause 18: Clause 18 of the nuclear liability bill limits the time to make a claim within 10 years. This is very less as compared to the long term damage that may be caused due to a nuclear accident.
· Clause 35: Clause 35 extends the legal binding that the responsible groups may have to face. The operator or the responsible persons in case of a nuclear accident will undergo the trial under Nuclear Damage Claims Commissions and no civil court is given the authority. The country will be divided into zones with each zone having a Claims Commissioner. In the U.S. counterpart – the Price Anderson Act, the lawsuits and criminal proceedings goes under the U.S. courts.
The tides of questions started rising up in my mind as the session proceeded. Why is the government so lenient with the foreign investors, the manufacturers and the suppliers? Why was the health and environment ministry not consulted before finalizing the bill? Does the bill specify any liability for environmental damage in case nuclear disaster? We have all witnessed the recent and worst British Petroleum oil-spill and are still witnessing the methods U.S. authorities are adopting to hold the culprits liable. Why can’t we learn from them? The ecology and bio-diversity are equally important for a country’s wealth. Who will be claiming for the damage to environment? The bill is silent about the environment clean-up. The effects of a nuclear disaster are unimaginable and inevitable and they will persist for ages to come. Also, if the bill is named as the ‘CIVIL NUCLEAR LIABILITY BILL’, why aren’t the civil courts allowed to give justice? Creating zones and appointing zonal claims commissioners will not simplify the process. All are aware of how government bodies function. What about the health of the workforce working at the nuclear plant and the people dealing with scrape generated from such nuclear plants? There are many other issues which need a close attention. The bill, in this scenario, needs a serious second thought of amendment.
I grabbed the opportunity of expressing my opinions on the podium. The time was very less and so I made it straight-to-the-point expression. I wish I had more time to speak and explain the validity of my questions and arguments elaborately. That upsurge of tides of questions which arose in my mind propelled everything out so fast that I couldn’t manage the words running away. But I was contented as my words were taken as suggestion. Everything which was spoken by every speaker was simultaneously noted down for the purpose of presentation to the standing committee. The session soon ended and I reported the ‘Minutes’ to the Head of Greenpeace Mumbai. Now, if someone asks me whether Greenpeace made any difference to this important issue, I will be quick to reply that indeed Greenpeace made THE difference. It created awareness amongst the populace and also took its opinions regarding the bill for amendments. But the fight continues, petitioning continues, spreading awareness continues, as the rainbow warriors forge ahead. I am so proud to be one!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Think think think
Of society, family, reputation.
They should be happy
So think about the relation.

They want the best for you
Will choose from a tiny group,
Even if it’s repulsive
You have to bend to include the loop.

You can’t jump off the wall
And cross the fading line.
You can’t get what you like
Even if it’s a lovely grape wine.

They are elders,
Their words are wise,
They speak with experience,
All the worldly lies.

Rich is their tradition
And religion and belief.
‘Grass is green on our side’
Pretense worse than thief.

Yours is a white cloth,
With stains deep red!
They think you are at fault
And blame your common thread.

What makes them so centered
To everything they do?
Since ages it is followed
Nobody questions whether its true.

You fall in trap like millions
As soon as you are born.
Hence you know the x and zeros
And rosy bed of thorns.

You are wrong, bad, culprit,
Don’t understand the maze.
You are a fool left alone,
Your thoughts are set ablaze.

No, you can’t,
You don’t have a word.
Keep aside your life
And start moving in herd.

How is human grouped?
No, not in gender.
It’s a complex conjunction of ideas,
Bred to grow for their splendor.

What difference does biology make
When you speak of Asia and Europe?
What difference does spiritualism make
When you speak of humanity and hope?

You have a beautiful mind
Why don’t they care?
Your future is your choice
It’s an answer to your prayer.

Yours is a white cloth indeed
And it’s clean, natural, genuinely pure.
Radiantly shining under the blue sky
Delicate lines, its significance, ensure.

You are what you think.
Don’t let wind erase your faiths.
You have done no harm
And so never be afraid of race.

He has now come closer
Will protect you from the fire.
He has always been the righteous one,
Will show the world your desire.

Neither Earth can be divided
Nor Water can be classified.
Neither Air can be cordoned for few
Nor fire can be tied.

It’s the strength of oneness binding
I hope they understand someday.
Acquit me of all false charges
And set me free to walk on my way.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I pay the price!

Every month there is one low time
When I can't be so lively so fine
Only one best friend comforting me
But at times not as soothing tree
Even I don't expect much from it
But just thank for caring in bit
Whole day and night I just lie
Adjusting parts in vain I try
Time and again I keep wondering
Why on Earth it's me feeling
Seasons change bring shady joy
This dynamic gift is similar toy
Those known with helping hand
Deserve accolades for natural reprimand
Act louder in efforts toward duty
Keep up the fight till sleepy eternity
I lose my sight and sense and words
Nocturnal sickness grabs mind in surds
But till that time I witness it all
Eating through pain, braving the call
Paradox though, I befriended him
Because I know it extends up to brim
And that I have to learn to adjust
Bring myself back to optimistic trust
With day ending less excruciating
I feel over-filled energy rusting
Another month passed without exercise
And this is how I pay the price!

Friday, August 27, 2010

A wise thought

A story –
In a beautiful hamlet near the limpid river, there lived two friends, Smith and Harry. They were always together in both joyful and sad times. But one day, they had small argument following some misunderstanding. The argument got so heated that Harry pushed Smith in anger. Smith lost his balance and fell into the mud. All his clothes got drenched in dark dirt. Smith silently got up himself and started cleaning his hands. Harry was not bothered but was quietly observing Smith. After wiping his hands clean, Smith started writing something on the sandy road. He wrote – My friend pushed me into mud.
Soon the clash was resolved and they were back together. Smith forgot everything but Harry still had in his mind what Smith had written on the sandy road. On one fine day two of them decided to go for fishing in the limpid river. This was Harry’s favourite pastime. They both were quietly enjoying the serene climate, just when Smith noticed that he had got a big fish in his trap. He jumped on his feet with joy and started winding the rope on the line. But then the boat started shaking and Smith fell into the river. Harry jumped immediately into the river to rescue his dear friend as Smith did not know how to swim. Smith was saved from drowning. On the river bank Smith immediately picked a stone and engraved this on a large stationary stone – Today my dear friend saved my life.
As they both walked their way back home, Harry asked Smith the reason why he had written previously on sandy road and that time on a large stone. To this Smith replied, “Dear friend, that day was a bitter day and those memories are to be erased by time. That is why I wrote on sand. While today was the day when you saved my life and this is to be remembered always and hence I engraved it on the stone.”

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What they explained.........

Places, events and time spoke while I observed them unfold eerily........

While others move on,
You will have your ride waiting.
Be not worried if it’s a bit late,
You will reach your destiny anyways.
Things will seem to be moving faster,
Remember you have your own pace.
Illusions will make you anxious on way,
Be not afraid of them, come what may,
Listen to your heart and act wisely.
Thank all those who helped you.
It will only make you humble
And them happier to help others.
Believe in God and always remember Him.
Dedicate all your actions and possessions to Him.
Every thing you have is due to His Holy Grace.
Pray to Him, Praise Him.
Ask for the happiness of people around you.
Ask for the strength of this unique Blue Planet.
Ask for peace, for beauty, for love.
Believe in Him and yourself.
And always strive to make this Planet a better place.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Holi

Long back Lord’s devotee Pralhad signifying good,
Sat on the pyre with Holika thinking he could!
Ill-intentioned Holika was burnt inspite of the blessing,
But the innocent Pralhad came out unharmed from the dressing.

The victory of good over evil was thus understood,
But still we celebrate the festival by burning wood!
‘SOS’ calling mother Earth was heard by our generation,
Lets celebrate Holi by worshiping good along with tree plantation.

Planet Earth is now reincarnating.

As you can see,
The festival of the oceans is going around,
For the first time winds are steady,
And the music has its own surround,
So all you people get ready,
To welcome the festival of colors on this ground.

Happy Holi!

(Archive: 2005)

God is in Silence

I finally got a reason to retreat in my sanctum sanctorum. For so many days I couldn’t understand why and how I consciously retreated to this space of immense silence. The great Indian Philosopher says: “Do not spend your energy in talking but meditate in silence. Do not let the rush of the outside world disturb you. Accumulate power in silence and become a dynamo of spirituality”. These striking words should be responsible for drawing me gradually inside as I remembered them each passing day. This place is filled with diffusing peace. Here, indolence never crosses my otherwise indolent mind. I understand almost nothing of this world. And it is this incomprehensibility which keeps me awake all the time. This place instills in me, a rushing wave of content. There is no confusion, no effort, no goals, no deadlines, no embellishments and no factual knowledge. This tranquility only owns a Silent Wisdom. The great peace keeper says: "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, flowers, grass—grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls." And this is undoubtedly the unconscious reason for my retreat. No wonder why I am enraptured by its illimitable beauty.
For the world outside I am just A. This outer sphere perceives me in relation to my behavior, my strengths, my weaknesses, my attitude, my ambition, my possessions, my work, my people and everything else. And true it is for every being. But the inner sphere does not attribute me to all these artifacts instead it recognizes me as an immortal soul. It relates me with the purity of raw elements. And it does this in simple fashion just by unveiling its own nature making me realize myself. I am completely mesmerized by its silence. I remember a quote of a great scientist of 20th century: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." I am so happy that I am not stuck in aim-freedom-life-kin-money-power-fame chain. I am some what understanding what lies underneath. The German architect found his God in details, while I found Him in Silence.