Saturday, March 12, 2011

Random thoughts

IMG: weheartit

Science gives us fundamental, rational and logical evidence to every action, subject and concept. It throws light on details which are intricately woven into the fabric of mystery. It helps us push forward the frontiers of our knowledge which in turn prove to be beneficial for our progress. Moreover science helps us understand life. I would not hesitate here to say that we can draw parallels to scientific theories and philosophical theories, the abstractness and the ideas. What I mean by this is, we can explain philosophical idea with scientific evidence and add to this, philosophy can help in explaining fundamental scientific concepts. I will explain. I just need few moments of patient audience.

Suppose you are travelling in a train with hundred others. You have in your mind a thought of performing your day’s work efficiently, coming back home and relaxing with your family. We all have more or less same concerns. In a compartment of hundred others how many do you think will be having similar generalized to-do list for the day? All of them or at least a majority of them. So don’t you think that for the time you are in that compartment, you are sharing a bond of commonness with your fellow commuters? So also, you share a bond with the person driving the train. For random timings, the commuters are on a parallel level with the driver and with each other, sharing bonds. For that short interval, you all are together, your lives are interlinked and there is an overlap between your invisible sphere and sphere of other fellow beings.   

All these bonds are temporary. They do not last long. No sooner do you get down on the platform than your bonds break and it does not end there. You make space for new bonds to form. This way in a single day you are incessantly making and breaking unseen bonds of commonness, anonymity, dreams, aspirations, etc.  

Does that cue you something in science or to be specific in chemistry? There you are. The word is – van der Waal force or may be hydrogen bonding. Think of water. How many hydrogen bonds does it form and break in fraction of a second?

When two uncharged atoms are brought very close together, their surrounding electron clouds influence each other. Random variations in the positions of the electrons around one nucleus may create a transient opposite electric dipole in the nearby atom. The two dipoles weakly attract each other bringing two nuclei closer. These weak attractions are called van der Waals interactions.

Back from chemistry lab. We are but molecules in this open system called – World, continually undergoing invisible bonding with each other. So in this way an idea can be supported by science and science in turn can be supported by an idea. I see them both as the two lines of a railway track – similar and parallel but never converging. One supports the other and the other in turn supports his supporter!

Much similar to ‘symbiosis’ - a concept of in biology – living together of unlike organisms!  

This is the fantasy of studying fundamental science. It provides me a perfect reason to back my thinking. It provides a way to get closer to life. 

I so love it! 

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