Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To You,

“Follow your dreams and your dreams will follow you!”  
-          Paulo Coelho

I know you can’t think any other inspirational quote when you think about life and I also know that you can’t think about any other author when you muse on your dreams. And that is why I quoted him at the very start of this letter. If I were to ask you how your life has been since you first learned to learn what life is, what will be your answer? Will you be really comfortable facing the truth of past? The answer is No. It’s because your childhood has been too good to have thought about all the overtly glaring miseries of life. But you did start understanding life as you started growing up. You were 15 then. It was the time of metamorphosis. You were no longer your own old self. Your dreams rapidly transformed and your words rapidly changed. But unfortunately it didn’t reflect upon your actions much! This was five steps forward but two steps backward walk. Although these years did lessen that transformed beauty, it didn’t change even a bit of the desire to fly high.

There was a period of hibernation in your life. You were in your lowest forms where your mind ate you up every day for not having given a least try. This was the time of increased randomness when you were for sometime trapped in your own limits and your inner soul thirsted for that freedom. Your hypocritical rationale nearly extinguished that burning fire. And so it was the time for an involuntary movement in the direction where the wind was blowing. It was a period of conventionalism. There are times in everybody’s life when they question themselves whether this is what they really want to do, whether the path they have chosen is the right path, whether they are really following what they have dreamed of and whether they are doing enough to achieve it. You too have questioned your self on several occasions, more than a hundred times, when you were stuck with the conventional. You have questioned yourself whether what you are doing will bring any change in the world or will really make someone’s life better or make someone happier for what he/she is or whether your work and efforts will really make a difference. You keep looking deep and as much deeper as you can. You analyze every little speck of your thought, every idea crossing your mind. And it is now when this contemplation has got you standing at this stage requiring you of the sacrifice. I know you are brave enough for that, for a sacrifice is nothing but a firm belief in your faiths, yourself and in Almighty.  

And here you are today with a revived spirit and a fresh mind. It’s never too late to follow what you believe in. You might not get what you desire but at least your conscience will not eat you up for not having tried. I wrote this letter in recognition of your decision to brave the storm. Power to you!

“Only mediocrity is safe. Take your risks and be the best!”
-          Paulo Coelho

Your own free Soul.