Friday, October 1, 2010


Think think think
Of society, family, reputation.
They should be happy
So think about the relation.

They want the best for you
Will choose from a tiny group,
Even if it’s repulsive
You have to bend to include the loop.

You can’t jump off the wall
And cross the fading line.
You can’t get what you like
Even if it’s a lovely grape wine.

They are elders,
Their words are wise,
They speak with experience,
All the worldly lies.

Rich is their tradition
And religion and belief.
‘Grass is green on our side’
Pretense worse than thief.

Yours is a white cloth,
With stains deep red!
They think you are at fault
And blame your common thread.

What makes them so centered
To everything they do?
Since ages it is followed
Nobody questions whether its true.

You fall in trap like millions
As soon as you are born.
Hence you know the x and zeros
And rosy bed of thorns.

You are wrong, bad, culprit,
Don’t understand the maze.
You are a fool left alone,
Your thoughts are set ablaze.

No, you can’t,
You don’t have a word.
Keep aside your life
And start moving in herd.

How is human grouped?
No, not in gender.
It’s a complex conjunction of ideas,
Bred to grow for their splendor.

What difference does biology make
When you speak of Asia and Europe?
What difference does spiritualism make
When you speak of humanity and hope?

You have a beautiful mind
Why don’t they care?
Your future is your choice
It’s an answer to your prayer.

Yours is a white cloth indeed
And it’s clean, natural, genuinely pure.
Radiantly shining under the blue sky
Delicate lines, its significance, ensure.

You are what you think.
Don’t let wind erase your faiths.
You have done no harm
And so never be afraid of race.

He has now come closer
Will protect you from the fire.
He has always been the righteous one,
Will show the world your desire.

Neither Earth can be divided
Nor Water can be classified.
Neither Air can be cordoned for few
Nor fire can be tied.

It’s the strength of oneness binding
I hope they understand someday.
Acquit me of all false charges
And set me free to walk on my way.


  1. Free you are, as is every soul on this planet
    Systems of control these are- Nation, relation, emotion
    They control you as long as you accept them
    He had nothing but a stick,
    But brought down mighty empire with truth and non-violence

    So you see, power is inborn
    Realize what you are
    Rest will have their day of reason

  2. You sound like one of my friend. Anyways,
    Thanks for the motivation.

  3. The rhyme again......

    I wonder on these motivating lines
    A perfect answer to my turbulent times.

    But not an inch of me matches Gandhi
    Ordinary I am with powers hibernating in me.

    Born with me were all relations
    I have to sacrifice for their pride, glory and reputation.

    I recognize their stand as right
    But that doesnot mean I have a wrong insight.

    If I follow my dreams, striving to fulfil my wish
    All my efforts will be tagged as selfish!

    So I leave it to the time
    Hope that it broadens everybody's mind!

  4. Spent I have my time wondering
    what truly life is all about?
    Mechanics of elements evolving
    seems to be its birth root

    Then am I just a complex carbon machine?
    Or a venture to make truth of self shine?

    I unite with universe and stars
    watching them in a clear night sky
    In day I remember there are stars
    even if they are not visible to eye

    Mortal or Immortal, Eternal or Ephemeral, Imaginary or Real
    The moment of unity makes the difference immaterial


    P.S. You need not be sorry. It's my fault.

  5. A familiar knock on the door
    But you are someone I never met before.

    Described life at the moment of unity
    With stars, sky, universe's mighty eternity.

    We always in silence experience that beauty
    Yet fail to escape this life's harsh reality.

    But you have indeed given me some expressions
    That expanded the horizons of my PERCEPTIONS!

    Thanks my friend!

    (And it wasn't your fault)
