Sunday, October 11, 2015


Dance. The only love of my life. It's my blood. Oxygen. Breath. Pulse.

It is what I am made for; molecule by molecule forming subunits, subunits forming the larger processing machines which take part in the transcription of my dancing genes. Never before in my life were these pleasure receptors so consolidated that even the thought, those tiny electrical impulses between the synapses of neurons, makes me excited to a level beyond imagination. Never before did I realise what dance means to me; it basically is me. Every part of my genome, the coding and the non-coding sequences alike have been sequenced for that beautiful movement in the air, those straight lines my limbs make, that perfect orgasmic geometry aggressively attacking the space around with it's fiery movements. I have seen it built, connect and accumulate within me all these years. But I never knew it'll explode someday. I am glad it did in this lifetime. I am so glad it broke my bones. I am so glad it disturbed the weight mechanics. I am so glad it ruined me. Annihilated me. Charred to ashes. I am so glad, because finally I realised the purpose of my life.

Now, despite these insurmountable obstacles, I am rising. I am phoenix, I can never forget. I'm rising up through the ancestral ashes, up towards that which had slain my spine across transverse plane. Up towards that which I loved the most in my life. Up, to claim it back. I am rising without fear, without regret. I may never be the 'normal' again, but I know I am getting stronger, rising higher, making my wounds - my strength. I am exploring heights I never knew existed. I am achieving milestones I only dreamed of earlier. I am gaining a stronger base. I am going to take it back my way. It will not be perfect. But I will make all imperfections so strong that every existing framework will be shattered by the charm, audacity and boldness of it. I am doing it because I have no other option. And I want no other option.

I am a dancer. I will always be a dancer. And dancers never give up!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

No idea

Funny how many words I have typed till now and then pressed Shift+Home and Delete after that! There's confusion. There's contrast. And then there's madness.
But no spelling mistakes. Never. There's aggression. There's pride. There's confidence.
And still I try to find myself. There have been stages where I felt the light.
The light so bright I could feel it diffusing through my nerves. But they were followed by deep elements of darkness and filth. So deep, so roughened that I could barely breath. It was almost like I lost my senses. Back to square one of confusion.
There must a pull back mechanism which brings me back to the mess.
Now how many times have I thought I know myself deep down clearly as if I have touched the ocean bed! But hell no! It is not persistent. I still keep bumping into façades. One after the other. There is no reality. There's only madness, a confused madness. And boy this is worse than the physical pains! These mental structures are rusted and they scratch my skin, my innocent skin. And they shoot through my spine down to my knees and ankles. It hurts. It hurts badly.
There is pain. Pain. Head bursts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

We sat under the dim light, he and I.
The music could be heard from the other room.
Sometimes strong, sometimes soft,
Sometimes emotional, sometimes deep.
He was silent.
I was relaxed.
He kept his gaze on me.
And I...
...I cried.

Monday, April 27, 2015


When I was a kid I had lit up a countless flames inside.
And every day I dreamed with my heart burning with aspirations.
And every night I screamed with my sounds deafening my own ears.
Those were so close. So true. Right in my womb.
I could feel those kicks inside my body.
And every day I walked on those grounds of fantasy,
of my utopian world. It was thrilling. Exciting. Exhilarating.
Each pulse lived the dream. Each inch craved for it.
Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, I lived a dream,
thinking one day it would be a reality.
But some of the flames died out over the time. I couldn't judge the direction of wind.
Now I am out of my house. I see those broken windows. I see those creaking doors. I stroll around my neighbourhood. Guess what? The landscape has changed.
But the epicentre was my own.
I'm striving hard. I cannot behold these dilapidated structures. I have to rebuild from the debris. 
While some of the lamps are still alive, I'm refuelling them with fierce energies.
I want to feel. I want to cry my heart out. I want to exhaust myself to those inaudible beats.
I want to be alive. Again. With hope. With lots of it. I'm struggling. Struggling my heart out.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I bleed every night.
And in the morning I find myself
among the brown stains.
I am supposed to be shameful,
but I am not.
"Why aboli?"
"Because you are not the screen.
You are the projector."
It was a huge mental effort, to strip down, bare my heart and stand with shame and vulnerability as my only armours.
When she returned at the twilight, she found him engrossed in his work and then she loved him even more.
There are just as many wrongs as there are the rights.
A turn is both a left and right. Depends on which direction you are coming from.

Four letters

There has to be a feel. An emotion. A drama. Love.
There has to be a story. Characters. And a hero.
There has to be a reason. Decisions. May be a tragedy too.
Only then the four letters will come alive.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


When you do something, you belong somewhere, to some clan. When you change, you change your clan. The sense of belonging keeps moulding. There is perhaps no intimacy. No privacy. Nothing of your own shades. No true reflections. Yet you keep matching. Greys with greys. It becomes exhausting. And when you are exhausted with the world, you crave for intimacy. Then you take respite in womb of literature. And the more you read, the more beautiful you feel. The more beautiful you feel, the more peaceful you are. The more peaceful you are, the more intimate you become. With peace. With beauty. With a thought. And with that thought you try again the next day to do something. To belong somewhere. What a fool! You don't realise you'll lose it again. 


It was a foolish talk.
A foolish expectation.
A foolish fakeness.
A game of fools.
And guess what....I won.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


an exquisite surrender...
like a tear drop under the spell of gravity...

My nails

I asked them if they want to be grown.
Came the reply: We have no purpose.
So I slaughtered and buried them under the old banyan tree.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

You do, I do not.

It didn't seem nice
I wouldn't have done that
But my heart won't allow me the sin
So I'll forgive and try to forget
And write you a beautiful poem instead.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sometimes the shadows of anonymity are much more interesting than the resplendence of familiarity.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


When you read to me that night, you touched me deep inside without letting your hands off that yellow paper. It was slow and gradual, like wine diffusing in my senses. The warmth of your words comforted my skin. My cheeks felt the tears rolling down your cheeks. I could not lift my arms. I could not hold you. You seemed unreachable in your own world. Yet you touched me as if through a different dimension. The piano next to you played a familiar tune. I remember it was what I had asked for, to be played, at my funeral. I loved every note the piano was playing. I was drenched in fragrance of white flowers placed next to my bed. Candles and letters, they were all for me. I saw everything and felt everything yet couldn't reach anything. I looked at you. Your eyes were swollen and you were whimpering soft words of the first poem you had written for me. I looked beautiful in the white. I knew you loved me. And I loved you too. But how could I have told you? You seemed unreachable. 

Mode: Switch off.

I love going out alone, eating alone, sometimes talking to strangers or feeding the street dogs, watching kids play in the park and the elders do yoga in temple. Evenings are pretty. Much prettier are the mornings when I notice the nascent flowers, dewy leaves, gigantic trees and sometimes, if I'm lucky I get to spot pretty birds as well. I love the sounds squirrels make all through out the day as much as I am scared of the sounds which bats make at midnights. I like kites sitting high on some antenna. They look so majestic even from such distance. Those creatures! I love walking down the unknown streets staring at the pretty houses. I wish there were more cafés around which gave a comfortable feel of solitude, where you could cozy up in a sufficiently lit place for reading Leonard Cohen's poetry, order a cup a coffee and have a lovely sandwich. I love being just so slow with nothing significant running through my mind. There are streets I haven't yet walked. I feel like stepping out and exploring in every direction. I so love making mental notes of what is where. I love to guide people. I love to interact with kids playing on streets or just wave them with a smile. Sometimes while walking I just stop and stare for long at something which I haven't seen before. There's a lot to observe and take in. But surprisingly I don't do anything consciously. The walks and the observations are so luxuriously spaced with nothingness. I do not think actively. I call it 'the switched off mode', when I am so empty and that emptiness is comforting. I do not really know how I enter this mode. My generally troubled mind gets an off on such days. The world moves before my eyes. But I step aside to observe as if I have eternity to do that. Well the switched off state is eternity!

And oh! I love the rides too, in the car, or on the bike as a pillion rider. Back in university, I always had a strange feeling about the stillness of the nights there. I always said, a place should change face. It should not be so static. No wonder I love the motion of the place when I am in the car or on the bike. I always feel that it should last a longer. The cool air hitting on my skin and that feeling of temporary perpetual-ness! Haaaahhh! I love that! Much lovelier are my bike rides, when I just decide to go out with no specific destination in my mind. That perpetual motion is what I crave for! :'( That blankness, those trouble free experiences I miss. I never think so lightly about anything. The processor is off and I am just taking in through all my senses and letting those those inputs disappear in the maze of my mind. 

At such times, I don't feel vulnerable. I am not afraid that the dog will bite me or someone might think I am crazy to stop in the middle and stare above in the sky. I do not care if the other gender is noticing me. I am not protective of my belongings. I walk super leisurely at the crossings looking at the vehicles, with a strange awareness -- they know I am at peace.

Peaceful and detached. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

May be tomorrow I'll dance,
to the tunes which never played.
But today I need to wait. Patiently.
For once, I need to start loving myself
DO what I feel
And believe in the powers of healing
For once. At once.

When you move to a new place

You fall for the beauty.
You fall for the ideal.
Then you decide to journey on,
to the unknowns,
leaving everything behind,
except a stone in your heart.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


They energize the air,
stimulate the auditory sense,
blind the eyes,
race the pulse, the hormones,
burn each soul down to ashes,
mar the love that was meant only for you.
You don't think of the beautiful gone years,
care, dreams, vows or respect.
All you feel is the blood.
Tainted maroon blood.
Who is to be blamed?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Midnight madness

I love this midnight madness
when emotions shoot like rockets
and words dance like puppets
There seems no end to this
And I want no end 
I cry listening to the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.
I sing the song of angry men
I'm overjoyed watching V play Tchaikovsky
I reminisce listening to Ekla chalo re
I shout O Captain my Captain
I write in my diary -
if you are going to try 
go all the way
otherwise don't even start
I wander among the woods on a snowy evening
and think of death which shall have no dominion
I feel like rising dust
like an ocean sized loud speaker 
a phenomenal woman
a voice contained in four walls
echoing the beating of the drums
I am the centre
I am the amber
I am the untouched cold of the night
I divorce the world just to be 
my own surreal dream tonight.
And every night I shall rise from dead
to walk and paint
the unexplained
Every night I will invite
the words mightier than swords
Every night will be a fight
with pain
But still I will dream
for the beauty.
and I will be the beauty.
like I am tonight
I will be every night.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Closure

So far. So long.
I have come all done and clean.
Not only was it organized, I disinfected it too.
It looks much more like the GH-155 now.
"Absolutely Absolute!" 
So bloody relaxed.
So so so bloody happy with the burlap origami
The entities connected, perfectly wired.
The circuits and sockets all understood.
I wasn't alone.
I communicated with 'They'.
Morse wasn't required. MY diary did the job.
Now that I am out, I will say -
"The depths I love and the depths I admire
And the depths are for what I am wired."
So dear seductive gravity,
I am ready for another entity 
Pull me.... "Intuitions".
I'm game! B-)

Friday, January 30, 2015

That happiness!

Write....write..Aboli write...right!
I've been thinking of documenting this feeling of extreme happiness. About that happiness when everything around is so screwed up. But I am so mentally relaxed, in fact I am excited and just ready to freakout any given any given point in time! That happiness which makes me forget the pain! That happiness which makes my cheeks pain with the constant smiling and laughing and wondering how round my cheek are! That happiness when I listen to Mark Knopfler and John Denver. That happiness when I read and recite Maya Angelou, Sylvia Plath, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Dylan Thomas! That happiness when I watch SYTYCD! That happiness when I perform that beautiful introduction from Raja Shiv Chhatrapati! That happiness when I read aloud Emerson! That happiness which good language gives! That happiness of those special and awesome songs and melodies! That happiness when I drink wine and laugh out loud! That happiness when I think of absoluteness! It's more than just the feeling of happiness. It's just beyond everything. Enough to ignore this pain and useless tension!
Wonder what has happened to me! Wonder in which direction I have evolved! I never felt so happy with such little things. I never knew it could ever mean pure joy for me. And there is no reason for this to be pure joy. They are just my favourites. *Among my dearests*
Boy! I just want to freakout without any reason. Madness is liberating. Madness is freedom. Madness is happiness! That happiness! It's 02:28 am and I am happy without any solid reason!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Be stupid sometimes
And just feel emotions
Let them have the sane talks
You just smile back
Chase those dandelions
They will take you to new places
Jump about to see what's beyond
You will discover awesomeness
Open that small piggy bank
And spend on chocolate ice-creams
Cycle around
Be an explorer
Have your gadgets ready
Build them if you like
Dance when you discover
Sing when you are happy
Write when you are filled
Read when you are alone
Sleep at the dusk
Only to wake up again and be stupid.

That moment.

I turned back to look at you.
You held me there in that moment.
A moment longer than eternity.
Eternity of your embrace
Embrace of your gaze
Gaze calling out my name
My name in your sigh
I sighed back.
So did the wind.

Last laugh

I know why you smile when you look at me.
I know why you like to look at me.
Had I been you, I would have done the same
Because I know the reason.
Just once hold me in the rain and dance
Just once take me in your arms and sing for me
Just once make me feel stupid
Just once smile at me
And let me be in that moment with you.
Let me feel your love.
Let me fall in love.
Let me be.
Just let me be.

Friday, January 2, 2015

It's it a funny game.
You die. Then in the next beat you're Alive.
Alive with spirits flying high.
And then you want it even more.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Dying before death

[Roll the dice with a laughing heart]

Oh long lost friend I yearn for you
Your marvellous mind was my source of inspiration
You spoke of beauty, of beauty in purpose
And rejoiced in excitement of action
Oh long lost friend I wonder where I left you
Somewhere between cities and love affair
Or some place of mindless decision
I conveniently forgot you
Locked you. Discarded you.
Now you trouble me with conflicts
The left was never right and the right always existed
Yet I walked like a fool in the midst of confusion
Blindfolded with stupidity overflowing around
I know I know I know you were my life
Without you I am just a dead man walking.