Sunday, October 11, 2015


Dance. The only love of my life. It's my blood. Oxygen. Breath. Pulse.

It is what I am made for; molecule by molecule forming subunits, subunits forming the larger processing machines which take part in the transcription of my dancing genes. Never before in my life were these pleasure receptors so consolidated that even the thought, those tiny electrical impulses between the synapses of neurons, makes me excited to a level beyond imagination. Never before did I realise what dance means to me; it basically is me. Every part of my genome, the coding and the non-coding sequences alike have been sequenced for that beautiful movement in the air, those straight lines my limbs make, that perfect orgasmic geometry aggressively attacking the space around with it's fiery movements. I have seen it built, connect and accumulate within me all these years. But I never knew it'll explode someday. I am glad it did in this lifetime. I am so glad it broke my bones. I am so glad it disturbed the weight mechanics. I am so glad it ruined me. Annihilated me. Charred to ashes. I am so glad, because finally I realised the purpose of my life.

Now, despite these insurmountable obstacles, I am rising. I am phoenix, I can never forget. I'm rising up through the ancestral ashes, up towards that which had slain my spine across transverse plane. Up towards that which I loved the most in my life. Up, to claim it back. I am rising without fear, without regret. I may never be the 'normal' again, but I know I am getting stronger, rising higher, making my wounds - my strength. I am exploring heights I never knew existed. I am achieving milestones I only dreamed of earlier. I am gaining a stronger base. I am going to take it back my way. It will not be perfect. But I will make all imperfections so strong that every existing framework will be shattered by the charm, audacity and boldness of it. I am doing it because I have no other option. And I want no other option.

I am a dancer. I will always be a dancer. And dancers never give up!

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