Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's all surreal!

It was always better I always knew. The cube and the stars. The pencil and the ink. The Portal and the numbers. The dit-dahs and Gimp. The rides for 20. The roads un-walkable. The checkered whites. The stationary stops. The destruction of race. The birth of man. Yet I tested. This now turns out ugly. This never suited me. Although this was me.

Feel tired now to undo and redefine. The mess in my room stays for weeks. I cannot clean it. But I have to un-paint the surrealism. Start closing the doors and windows. This is no different than the illusory drums I used to listen to when I was a kid. I missed watching the surreal cinemas without realising I'm living one. I have to be conscious more than I ever was.

O man this hurts!

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