Like a Streak of Lightening
Which dazzles the Clouds,
Like the Colours of Feathers
Which make Peacocks proud,
Like a Faint Rainbow
Diffusing through invisible Air,
Like the Greenery of a Garden
Which the Plant Kingdom share,
Like Crystal Clear Water
Colouring the BLUE PLANET,
Like the setting Sun
Reflecting its tempting Scarlet,
Like the Steady Mountains
Echoing the Cosmic Sound,
Like the Soft Snow
Cooling the Space around,
Like a Giant Leap in the Ocean
Which the Great Whites take,
Like a Nest for the young ones
Which their Mothers make,
Like the Racing Winds
Spreading the fragrance,
Like the Eyes of a Cow
Filled with Peace and Silence,
Like the Secret of Astronomy,
To Mysteries it gives birth,
Like the Cleansing Rain
Which soothes the Earth,
My LOVE for them is like all of them,
It’s Varied, Immense and Natural for sure,
Uniting with Eternal Forces,
It’s Beautiful, Tranquil and Pure.