Monday, April 22, 2013

Dead submission

You breed silence and stillness,
to punish the shouts, confessions
of blood and body,
of you and me.
I hate the dirt, which you give me
at night, which I try to wash off,
which shines with guilt
which paints my flesh which crawls on me.
I am shy of your equilibrium
shy of your eyes staring at me
as I stand naked in pouring rain
as you watch the droplets run over me.
I will still submit to you silently
when you want me
for your resistance, for your luxury.
Then. You can have all pieces of me.


Unlike the triangle of food chain, there is no definite hierarchy when it comes to kyriarchy. Everything is topsy turvy or circular rather, with no bottom or top, with no creature on the edge. Every one has at least two degrees of connections. I see kyriarchy in action everywhere, ever since I have learnt about it. What brings a person to dominate? Position, strong emotions, physique, knowledge, talent, money, color,  normalcy? Similarly, what obliges the other to submit? Tolerance, lack of commitment, lack of integrity or self belief? Why is it so prevalent in nature? Is kyriarchy a result of conscious effort? Do we see it in action amongst animals also? There are definite and logical reasons if we were to identify any such things in animals. The stronger ones and the ones greater in number have always had advantages over the weaker and the single ones. What makes us different from animals is our conscience which we consciously use to exploit the weaker forms. Sometimes society itself creates groups which then play roles of oppressors and the submitters.

We are intolerant. We mind. We dislike. Our hubris overrides equality. We see it happening all around us and so we become conditioned to do that. We love power. We love to be on the top. We like to be superior always, in everything we do. We can never get rid of it. Can we?

One thing we surely can try (whenever possible) is to try to bust it every time our conscious and righteous mind encounters it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I see them in the malls, streets,
my room and on my body.
Those snakes lie still. Hibernating.
In baggages, on desks, shelves
their whisper - a mocking hiss.
The bourgeois, wannabes are
fancying their scales.
What an absolute vanity!
No bones but still definite
in their shape and purpose.
They dis-ease you.
How am I to get rid of them?
My skin itches for I am dis-eased.

Your desert

When you refused to water the plant
it turned pale and dry
Leaves fought brightness,
the roots - soil life.
Left in one corner. There.
to decay to die to self-destroy

But soon fell the first drops
who started colouring it -
green, brown, pink,
yellow, blue, white, red....

Now the world behind your back
blooms with joy.


I am born - to a sinking rhythm
which opens my inside -
thrilled, excited, grounded,
restricted, unfurled, possessed.
Like countless mechanical beats
it breathes endlessly -
inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale
inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale..
I can neither wait nor explode
for it burns with fierce constancy
first my lungs then my heart
then my whole body and brain
Bring me the luggage,
the shame
i need to get back
i need to take birth. Again.

Red Addiction

Addicted I am to your fragrance,
your soft, compelling body,
tender touch - skin-to-skin, lip-to-lip,
to your bold and faint
pleasing velvet and cold kiss.
I float on bed to feel you,
become you. One color one thought.
slow, slow, slow O Rose!
Hold me in your arms forever...

Friday, April 19, 2013

An inspiration

And on the formal day I saw you
though a brief meet
my admiration knew no bounds...

beautiful mind, plain clothes,
strong ideas, humble voice,
language - like a flowing river...

"An ordinary Indian
with extraordinary capabilities"
you earned a hundred badges...

a handsome scientist,
romantic poet,
thoughtful humanitarian,
guide, friend, an inspiration...
and other times - just a -
"reliable white haired praani"

the list is endless...
and my admiration knows no bounds...

Should I thank, pay respect,
feel honoured or just be glad?
I do all....


In a shrunken world
on the foothills
lives a restless granny
Kill her with a huge stone
you need to.
A rash driver, she crushes
dreams. Punish her
for greater a crime
of murdering your mind.

i expect you

i expect to see you
when i'm outside
expect you to see me
noticing you with fixed eyes
but you come never!
to place we belong

Your eyes

Cold is the ocean at night
Ice amongst ice is still colder
Coldest I find are
your eyes - the hollow mirrors
the white canvases,
dried, numbed, stoned
colder than ever!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A tribal woman

I know how beautiful you are
That black and white photograph of yours
Has earned a million likes.
You were unknown to me until one day,
When I stumbled upon your picture.
You donned those heavy metals
Made by yourself in the furnace
Your eyes were fearless yet calm
Accepting fate with pride in mind
Your sun tanned skin had its own story
Which kept your shaved head held high
That very instant, when I saw you,
You gave me a note of womanhood.
How complete I feel watching you!
You, O Tribal Woman!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

To the land who breathes and bears

Who are you? I dare ask
Who stripped you off your
vibrant yellow robe?
Your hollow eyes and still feet
Tell me that you are ill
Your arms are stretched apart
Weeping in silent acceptance
Is there an invisible cross beneath you?
Why do not you scream in agony?
Mother....scream, will you?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Have you any idea
Of my unused wings?
Fly I could just like you
To visit flowers in spring.
Lost I my pixie dust
Tried when I to swim.
My glowing skin
Would make waters blush.
But I've lost them all
Somewhere in rush.

Where have I come Tink?
You sure know this place
Will you help me link,
My way back to my old self?
Will you dance my pain away?
I've got problems Tink.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A diary entry

I have developed a new hobby - bird watching; all thanks to my friends who one fine morning set out to observe birds around the campus. Listening to their stories, I joined them with tremendous enthusiasm the next time. So I marked my first day of serious bird watching on 14th March 2013.
In pleasing infant morning, with alert ears and eyes, heads turned up, staring at the uncouth architecture of trees, we took a stroll alongside the main streets in campus. In no time the tiny birds started showing up. Tweeting, flying and chasing each other all across the space, they flew around like 6 year old kids on a playground. Only about 4 to 5 inches in height, these birds kept us fixed, for a long time, at one place.
Then came an unusual sound somewhere from the top and we were all excited to see the Greater Coucal elegantly flying from one branch to another, each a step higher. His brown wings and huge black body grabbed us in awe. We kept noticing it through out the trip. The next bird which caught our attention had a beautiful and well-defined forked tail. This was the Black Drongo. His silent flight from one tree to another was worth watching. Little did we know what awaited us next - the White-throated Kingfisher! His serene composure on a twig, the beautiful blue-brown-white-red colours on his average sized body and a long beak was a sight we could never have missed in that little patch of greenery besides the faculty quarters. After spending about 15 minutes around Kingfisher we were all excited for our next surprise which was, as we named it -, watching it hop on the lawn, - the hopper (White-browed wagtail). This not-so-tiny hopper was the most delightful bird of the trip. Watching it run-and-hop all over the place was so much fun. We called it a day when we saw other students (rather mean-birds) walking towards the mess. That was my first day of bird watching. On the second day we saw Common Grey Hornbill, Indian Robin and Red-vented Bulbul. On our disheartening trip to bird sanctuary, we saw Purple Swamphens and Flemingos. Almost everyday after recognizing the birds, I find Indian Robin come and greet me. It is surely one of the cutest birds I have ever seen.  I wish to become a serious bird watcher someday.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Brown ink and blank paper
Table lamp and a glass of water
Eyes closed and monkey mind
Will a fine word you find?

A little scribble, a couple of lines
A sentence or simple design?

Tweets of tailor birds
The tick tok of clock
You are inside your head
Walk my sweet heart,
Have a nice walk.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

If someday we meet
If our roads cross
Reminded I'll be
of that uncommenced story.

This unknown start will have no end.
How will I greet you my dear friend?

I realized my love that day
when you had already turned away
But I, my friend, had no right
To stop you there and fight

Sans a leave, sans a word
You left my company
Alone I became
In this unfinished game.

I knew your commitments
Your love and life
I accepted all of them
And just wanted to be your friend

Unworthy I was?
Or too much did I ask?

I am not aware, I am not aware.
Just tell me how I should greet you
If someday I see you across the street
If in some distant future we meet.

But of this I'm not sure my friend - 
whether I'll even get see you again.

I'll miss you
Really miss you
Until the very end.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Little did I know, when I was a school kid, that dancing would be my sole source of delight and that I would regret not having trained myself in any of the dance forms in my early formative years. Every time I listen to a beautiful piece of music, I am expediently attended by my influenced moves and imperfect lines which, although incomplete, satiate my thirst. My afflictions aggravate when I realize my actual bodily strength; blame I the lack of dedication. But dear dance, how I love you so much! Such excruciating a pain and anguish I experience for letting you remain crippled for life!

Right from my tender age, perfectly disposed, because of constant conditioning by my grandparents, to become some kind of activist, I pondered over societal miseries and deteriorating foundation on which we reside in frightening oblivion. I squandered my time, energy and thoughts, away on something that I would never do, but only dream of doing, in my life, and hence regret not having given a chance to that inception. Although my conditioned mind loved the notion of clean-up of every form of dirt from society, disentanglement of multifaceted issues which decay owing to stagnancy, establishing logical ideas to repair the fractured edifice and constructing a foolproof system to ease the work of tomorrow's leaders; I never really tried enough to materialize any of them.

Neither the original passion nor the instilled path did I follow; instead I ventured into a completely unrelated and never-thought-of field. I did not make my destiny. Destiny, for the lack of my efforts, itself chose its path and I hate myself to this day for having obliged to it. 

I accepted those terms which would eventually lead me no where. Why didn't my prudent mind hold myself guilty of such greater an impropriety? Blind indeed I was for I lacked vision. I had switched myself into a - disapprobation-to-all mode, turning down every opportunity which I'd rather grabbed and performed. If only I had a little sense of my sensibility, I would have been in a different universe right now. I detest my current abode and mental state but unfortunately, I will have to wait 2 or 3 more months for this chapter to get over.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

2 years are all I have
To live, learn and enjoy,
Just 2 more years to prove
my identity, my independent self. 

Only around 700 days left
To comfort mom and dad,
Be their good daughter 
And a guidance to my sister.

Of that dreadful day I dream
Of apparent glitter and shine
When, in my fancy bridal wear
I'll stand at the altar unprepared.

Six and twenty I will be
Thinking of all the life behind
Yellow metal won't be a burden
More than the thought of separation.

Who will understand my mind?
Or my mom's courageous heart?
How will my dad give me away?
Unwillingly, we will part.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Why should I believe you
when I know you are lying?
I know obvious reasons
which you think you can hide

It's all my fault,
I let my emotions run free
You don't even know
that they still hurt me!

All I asked was to be friends with me
Nothing more nothing less
Every time I see you now
I feel a plain stab in my heart.

You could have told me
But you didn't
Why should I suffer?
Why should I let myself suffer?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This Tricky Illusion

I thought I was your good friend
Since start of this new stage
Those fun times we had back then
Those long walks and frequent dinners
All of them I remember.

You shared every news
And all the daily happenings
From morning bread to evening toast
From poor childhood to frustrated youth days
You told me every story you remember.

I admired your character
Your strength and thoughts
Your integrity and  wisdom
And whenever you wore that stoic face
More than ever I admired you.

Your laughter and freedom
Your ability and knowledge
Your bizarre ideas and wicked solutions
Kept me wondering
"Are you from this planet?"

Or a 'Figment of My Imagination' you are?
I try to trace back along the year
To find out where I went wrong
Such great an irony this is
I can't even ask you what's wrong!

You've changed since last October
You behave as if we never met
Your answers to my questions
Charity to a destitute, now they seem
You've started avoiding me.

I cried a river in vain
My heart couldn't accept this
My mind couldn't reason out
Why did you throw me away
Like a worthless torn garment?

I thought you were my good friend
And so all my secrets I shared
My old dark closet I opened
And before you tumbled the skeletons
Shameless, careless but faithful and obedient.

Read I, my life to you
As it was, as it should have been
Revealed I, my dreams to you
As they fertilized and shaped
Stood I, all naked before you!

Now, our conversations sound funny
Like two strangers talking
Thinking why we are still talking
And I should be alone here
But indeed, we are, from birth!

'You see me', you said once
Thought I found a true friend
But to you this friendship is
Just a headless ghost on your shoulder
And my blood boils to know that!

In your dreams you kill someone
And bury the body in campus
That someone turned out to be me
Prematurely you murdered me 
A living dead I became unfortunately!

I thought I was your good friend
I thought you are my good friend
But neither you nor I
Proved to be good let alone best
Wasn't this the trickiest illusion?