Saturday, March 9, 2013

Little did I know, when I was a school kid, that dancing would be my sole source of delight and that I would regret not having trained myself in any of the dance forms in my early formative years. Every time I listen to a beautiful piece of music, I am expediently attended by my influenced moves and imperfect lines which, although incomplete, satiate my thirst. My afflictions aggravate when I realize my actual bodily strength; blame I the lack of dedication. But dear dance, how I love you so much! Such excruciating a pain and anguish I experience for letting you remain crippled for life!

Right from my tender age, perfectly disposed, because of constant conditioning by my grandparents, to become some kind of activist, I pondered over societal miseries and deteriorating foundation on which we reside in frightening oblivion. I squandered my time, energy and thoughts, away on something that I would never do, but only dream of doing, in my life, and hence regret not having given a chance to that inception. Although my conditioned mind loved the notion of clean-up of every form of dirt from society, disentanglement of multifaceted issues which decay owing to stagnancy, establishing logical ideas to repair the fractured edifice and constructing a foolproof system to ease the work of tomorrow's leaders; I never really tried enough to materialize any of them.

Neither the original passion nor the instilled path did I follow; instead I ventured into a completely unrelated and never-thought-of field. I did not make my destiny. Destiny, for the lack of my efforts, itself chose its path and I hate myself to this day for having obliged to it. 

I accepted those terms which would eventually lead me no where. Why didn't my prudent mind hold myself guilty of such greater an impropriety? Blind indeed I was for I lacked vision. I had switched myself into a - disapprobation-to-all mode, turning down every opportunity which I'd rather grabbed and performed. If only I had a little sense of my sensibility, I would have been in a different universe right now. I detest my current abode and mental state but unfortunately, I will have to wait 2 or 3 more months for this chapter to get over.

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