Friday, April 25, 2014

Mumma don't cry

Play on you immatures, play your game of filth
You may choose to bark or howl at nights
Or burn logic and reason with your pea-sized brain
Or may indulge in cheap verbal exchanges
Play on I ask. Because, your intentions will never be served.
Use your rather idle mind to come up with tricks
Or talk about fear of someone staying somewhere in Himalayas.
Preach if you want to, those lessons you've never learnt.
Or go for a mere shopping in your fancy up-class boutique
Then put up the make-up and jewellery of 3 Lakhs.
Go about your soi-disant saga for days and months together.
Do those dishes in your kitchen and talk about how wonderful you are!
Don't like my short clothes? Or the tattoo on my nape?
Don't worry I will never be around when you have guests.
Take pride in your culture and age old believes.
Or do you want to bitch about how many boyfriends I had?
Or how indifferent and insensitive and pretentious I am?
Or how I'm taking unfair advantage of the independence my mom has given me?
Might I suggest you come to me old ladies and foolish men
I'll tell you how worse a bitch I can be!

Mumma, dont cry. The taint doesn't matter.
Don't constantly try to clear your stand, it'll wear you down.
It has done no good. It will do no good. It is what it has always been
and will remain like that forever.
Venomous accusations and baseless allegations will never stop.
Are you listening mumma? To what your daughter is saying?
I love the food you cook for me, even if they keep picking at it.
Our small house is prettier than their grand bungalows.
I love the white and pink lilies in our small balcony.
Even the fishes in our tank know you have a warm, caring heart
for they don't eat when you cry. They cry along.
Everybody knows how wonderful self-made woman you are!
They don't call you Madam for no reason!
I feel proud when parents come to you for your advice on education.
You have earned it all by yourself! With no one's help!
So be on your own like you always have been.
Be that rock. Solid rock.
Let the fools play their game of filth.
You don't have to clarify anything to your daughter
Because even if they don't, I love you.

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