Thursday, August 1, 2013


After listening to the beautiful poetry - 'Do not go gentle into that good night' read by Dylan Thomas himself, I thought to myself, I should someday try to compose a villanelle. But somehow, I couldn't get powerful refrains to start with, until very recently I finished a novel - The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. The end of the book had a brief note on Ms. Plath's life and it contained a villanelle written by herself, 'Mad girl's love song'. The poem was so fresh in my mind that, when I was chanced upon by two refrains, I was pushed to write the following, my first villanelle:

In my pink, the blushes hide their history.
They cannot brave your steady eyes.
It's you who started to tickle the mystery.

As I walk in paragraphs of unknown story,
Romance topples from between the lines.
In my pink, the blushes hide their history.

Encounters are too close to be carelessly free,
to be walking in beauty before your designs.
It's you who started to tickle the mystery.

Do I play Juliet at nights too starry?
Or do I just hallucinate those throbbing smiles?
In my pink, the blushes hide their mystery.

The greens and purples look lovely in vinery,
from where you stole my charms and shines.
It's you who started to tickle the mystery.

It happens again, as your emotions carry,
a dream of red, from my earnest divine.
In  my pink, the blushes hide their history.
It's you who started to tickle the mystery.

Addendum: “I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

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