Sunday, August 7, 2011

Meeting my Crescent friend

Time says sleep is the need,
But heart has all its thoughts freed .
So I lie, below the moon-lit sky 
As the silver rays touch my eye.

The shining bright Crescent I see, 
Smiles with steady gaze at me, 
As if a lost amigo he found,
In the cold dewy meadows around.

He sends message across universe,
To tell all stars to disperse.
So that he may be cozy with me
Besides the old lemon tree.

We sit and talk for hours together
Wishing the moment could be held forever.
Because in his soothing words I find
My refuge so humble so modest so kind.

The silence of noise joins in
So does water's glowing skin.
And we together sing the firefly song
Till the night starts fading along.

We then, at orange horizon, depart 
With a subtle content getting absorbed in heart
That at the end of every day we'll meet
My friend I will have for you a cheerful greet. 

Happy Friendship Day.


  1. This is awesome! It has so beautifully brought out the unsullied love between two friends, here personified by the crescent moon. Friends when get together spend hours in each other's lovable company, admiring the strong bond which ties them together. For me its also about the natural innate friendship which we share with all the elements of universe since we also are a part of this cosmic creation. The poem touched my heart instantly. It is brimming with profound emotions yet is gracefully draped with simplicity. A reader can connect with it in any way he pleases and this special attribute makes your poem worthy of all commendation. It has innocence, intrinsic charm and a simplistic appeal which will unwittingly draw a childish smile on the reader's face. A job well done. I applaud for this wonderful piece of work! Keep writing more amigo, you have it in you what it takes to be a great poet. :)

  2. There are so many sentences which I particularly found very beautiful. Some of them are-
    "He sends message across universe,
    To tell all stars to disperse."
    (brings out the human need of sharing time and space with the special loved one without the intrusion of anybody else.)
    "We sit and talk for hours together
    Wishing the moment could hold forever."
    (the beauty of those special moments spent with our dearest! We never want that time to pass by, it is magical in all its essence!)
    "We then, at orange horizon, depart
    With a subtle content absorbing in heart
    That at the end of every day we'll meet
    My friend I will have for you a cheerful greet."
    (There is absolutely no hint of negative tone in this; even the farewell is marked by optimism and hope. The poet is looking forward to meeting his best amigo again and he for sure will be filled with the same delight and joy that he receives from his dear friend every time he meets him. :)

  3. Hey sungirl4103,

    Thanks. I am delighted to see such a response.

    You have a greater understanding than me it seems, since you went a level ahead to point out the innate friendship we have with every element in universe. Good observation. Your explanation adds weightage to emotions which reader might experience while reading.

    Thanks for all the appreciation since its the only thing which encourages a person to experiment more and move a step ahead with confidence.

  4. Amazing....nice....
