Monday, August 22, 2011

Mea Culpa.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

[Sacred Thread]
The strength you have, makes me proud.
Your brave decisions I admire.
Your presence encourages my talent.
The wisdom you impart dissolves all limitations.
For all the wise words of advice, I am thankful.

Its comforting when you speak.
Its bright when you laugh.
Its warm when you hold hands.

I study every step you take.
I carefully listen to your words.
And I try to be you in your absence.

Do you know how much I adore you for what you are?

We were blessed with shelter when God created Fathers.
We understood life when God created Mothers.
We received love when God created Sisters.
And we got a strong support when God created Brothers.

All I have is a prayer for your protection and a thread to tie around your wrist;
So that you can be my strength forever.

Happy Raksha Bandhan.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Meeting my Crescent friend

Time says sleep is the need,
But heart has all its thoughts freed .
So I lie, below the moon-lit sky 
As the silver rays touch my eye.

The shining bright Crescent I see, 
Smiles with steady gaze at me, 
As if a lost amigo he found,
In the cold dewy meadows around.

He sends message across universe,
To tell all stars to disperse.
So that he may be cozy with me
Besides the old lemon tree.

We sit and talk for hours together
Wishing the moment could be held forever.
Because in his soothing words I find
My refuge so humble so modest so kind.

The silence of noise joins in
So does water's glowing skin.
And we together sing the firefly song
Till the night starts fading along.

We then, at orange horizon, depart 
With a subtle content getting absorbed in heart
That at the end of every day we'll meet
My friend I will have for you a cheerful greet. 

Happy Friendship Day.