Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Scarlet Story

Just found a dead rose in my garden
Turning brown and pale in the heat
It lost its essence and mesmerizing beauty
As its own plant was found to be a cheat.

I picked up that rose with great care
And kept between the pages of my diary
It is a reminiscence of those caring days
Of the sweet fragrance and scarlet story.

The next day when I was watering the plant
It told me in grief and repent that it was sorry
But I explained to it that its too late
It cannot bring back the lost glory.

So it wept for a day 
And then regained its position
Decided not to be a cheat in life again
It promised itself to respect vows and relation.

Dead or alive
The strange relation will always survive.


  1. Tells a lot about a broken heart of a lover. But this will go on every day a new plant will take oath of being honest..... but only after leaving yet another rose faint n pale....

  2. Yes. You are right. It goes on about every day. Its more on the lines of breaking promises intentionally or unintentionally.

  3. Take care, White.


  4. That's what I want to tell you. Take care.
