Sunday, August 29, 2010

I pay the price!

Every month there is one low time
When I can't be so lively so fine
Only one best friend comforting me
But at times not as soothing tree
Even I don't expect much from it
But just thank for caring in bit
Whole day and night I just lie
Adjusting parts in vain I try
Time and again I keep wondering
Why on Earth it's me feeling
Seasons change bring shady joy
This dynamic gift is similar toy
Those known with helping hand
Deserve accolades for natural reprimand
Act louder in efforts toward duty
Keep up the fight till sleepy eternity
I lose my sight and sense and words
Nocturnal sickness grabs mind in surds
But till that time I witness it all
Eating through pain, braving the call
Paradox though, I befriended him
Because I know it extends up to brim
And that I have to learn to adjust
Bring myself back to optimistic trust
With day ending less excruciating
I feel over-filled energy rusting
Another month passed without exercise
And this is how I pay the price!

Friday, August 27, 2010

A wise thought

A story –
In a beautiful hamlet near the limpid river, there lived two friends, Smith and Harry. They were always together in both joyful and sad times. But one day, they had small argument following some misunderstanding. The argument got so heated that Harry pushed Smith in anger. Smith lost his balance and fell into the mud. All his clothes got drenched in dark dirt. Smith silently got up himself and started cleaning his hands. Harry was not bothered but was quietly observing Smith. After wiping his hands clean, Smith started writing something on the sandy road. He wrote – My friend pushed me into mud.
Soon the clash was resolved and they were back together. Smith forgot everything but Harry still had in his mind what Smith had written on the sandy road. On one fine day two of them decided to go for fishing in the limpid river. This was Harry’s favourite pastime. They both were quietly enjoying the serene climate, just when Smith noticed that he had got a big fish in his trap. He jumped on his feet with joy and started winding the rope on the line. But then the boat started shaking and Smith fell into the river. Harry jumped immediately into the river to rescue his dear friend as Smith did not know how to swim. Smith was saved from drowning. On the river bank Smith immediately picked a stone and engraved this on a large stationary stone – Today my dear friend saved my life.
As they both walked their way back home, Harry asked Smith the reason why he had written previously on sandy road and that time on a large stone. To this Smith replied, “Dear friend, that day was a bitter day and those memories are to be erased by time. That is why I wrote on sand. While today was the day when you saved my life and this is to be remembered always and hence I engraved it on the stone.”