Saturday, February 28, 2009

Understanding TIME to enjoy life

I don’t understand why people restrict themselves to time limits. Students prepare up timetables almost everyday. 6 am – wakeup, then school, after school, 4-6 science (chapter -8), mathematics (chapter – 1), etc. etc. The list of ‘Things-to-do’ is simply endless. Companies go on to set unusual targets to be accomplished within an extremely short period. Unnecessarily the employees get stressed up affecting their health and disturbing the balanced state of mind. The restrictors and the time-table makers are always heard saying – “This should be completed anyhow within this much of the time, or else….” They put up so many unrealistic time conventions that at the end of the day none of the works is completed on time and there is not even a single percent of perfection. They know all this but still they commence the next day with a host of calculations. How can someone do a work at the cost of completion and perfection? This does not stop here. Even if the previous task is incomplete, this species of ‘limiters’ never mind to jump on to the other things. In this way their day ends up with a pile of tasks or rather undone tasks to be completed some other day (and not the immediate day after itself because next day is reserved carefully for some other work). And when the ‘Grand Finale’ approaches near and near, the students get tensed up, employees get their boss’ scolding, companies lose profit and so called loyal customers, movies go flop on the box office, buildings experience seepage and leakage problems, photographers get to capture wardrobe malfunction, speeding cars break traffic rules, hasty airport authorities ease the drug import-export, and most importantly girls forget to carry a mirror in their purse! HUSH!

In today’s fast moving world such small things do happen (does this phrase resemble some other phrase? Never mind.) But at personal level these are and always prove to be the most crucial things. I agree when they say – Time and tide wait for none. So should I jump into the sea without taking my oxygen-mask/cylinder and a life jacket? I definitely do not mean to slow down the world by thinking, saying and writing all this. What I mean is – one should not complete a work on time at the cost of perfection or at least completion. It’s ok, just complete the work anyhow on time, it doesn’t matter at all. This easy going and chalta hai attitude is of no use. Imagine what could have happened if the airplane were manufactured in haste, without any testing, just to deliver them on time? Airplanes are meant for flying but in this case, well, anyone can guess what the situation would have been.

We need to focus on perfect completion. Setting up realistic conventions is the need of the hour. Man is the most intelligent creature on this planet. But he is being ceaselessly fooled by TIME. Slogging behind the time is dangerous. Just be with time. Understand its characteristic infinity. Appreciate its tremendous power. Learn and memorize its flexibility. And then only befriend it. Till today there have been very few people on this Earth who really did this and gave time the utmost importance in their lives. Only these were the people who achieved success in true and realistic terms.

An example of perfection would be this beautiful Earth created by GOD who himself is infinite. GOD did not just wake up early one fine day with a thought to create this universe full of stars and few planets.  He definitely did not setup timings to create the oceans, the mountains, the forests, the winds, and the rocks. But God, like his nature, took infinite time to create all this, the trees, the beautiful and colorful flowers, strong yet innocent animals, the pout lipped fishes, high soaring birds, the highly studied dinosaurs, the connecting link – archaeopteryx and the two biggest sinners – Adam and Eve. He immersed himself completely in this work, positioned every atom perfectly and is now sitting backstage to control and keep every thing in motion.

Time has long back merged with God giving him the unexplained infinity. His infinity stretches in both directions, gracing the golden years that have passed and the glorious years yet to come. What is left at the center for us is – TIME, which is simply unmanageable by all of us. Rise up. Analyze things. Plan and organize. Dedicate yourself completely to your work. Immerse yourself to such an extent that you start forgetting time. Take your work to the highest levels of excellence. Time will then start merging within you. It will help you attain the next level of excellence which is – PERFECTION. How happy and proud you will then feel for your work! Habits are seldom broken and hence once you get into this habit of achieving perfection, you are bound to taste great success in life. Therefore befriend TIME first and then you will find this TIME marching with you in your rhythm. No sooner does this happens than you will stop making those stupid time-tables and start enjoying your beautiful life. 

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