Saturday, December 28, 2013


There is a compulsion, an anxiety speeding up to throat, madness shooting out from mouth, urge to accept and proudly declare, the scars to the world, pieces of me.
There is a drug made from my bones; it's yellow, red, green and blue, pouring the absolute with absoluteness of resolution.
There is destruction of self and a birth of mental sickness.
I stand before me to watch myself, whirl like a cyclone on that melody being played on those lusty white-black bars. That grotesque is my beauty.
Those blunt knives are scales on my skin, finely grating every inappropriate touch.
How fabulously I execute every crime! How modestly I demand every allegation!
It's because I'm a snake that I can not disown my venom.
But time and again I shout, time and again I scream, time and again I validate, the dark side of me.
But since it is one of the greatest luxuries, I cannot deny myself the luxury of it!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


A strong desire to hate.
Hate the sadness.
Hate the timidity.
Hate the lack of knowledge.
Hate the lazy mood.
Hate the speed.
Hate the rigidity.
Hate the air.
Hate the emptiness.
Hate the root.
Hate the hype.
Hate the mental-block.
Hate the inability.
Hate the inefficiency.
Hate the incompetency.
Hate the hypocrisy.
Hate the attitude.
Hate the indecisiveness. 
Hate. Just hate. Nothing else.