Thursday, May 30, 2013

the green, slimy, ugly, poisonous breeding ball

tired of those bad roads, that heat, dust, sun, crowd...tired of dishonesty and thefts...tired of being chased by hooligans...tired of the dirt, the filth, the gutters and the smells...tired of confusion of religions and basic definitions...tired of stuffs stacked in malls, shops, houses and everywhere....tired of cheapness, bad-quality....tired of senseless lyrics, films, commercials, daily soaps, news...tired of delay, of waiting, of queues...tired of mismanagement, discomfort...tired of the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the parasites, the encroachers, the fat, the are tired of so many things around...tired because you are a part of create breed, you condition, you teach, preach...good things just don't seem to follow........just tear yourself apart from the crowd, you may bleed but the wounds will heal with time...let your limbs act, let your thoughts it individually for yourself at least...then give the sword to the next person closest to you and empower him to do the same...dice and dice the ugly ball of laze, the filthy blame-game until every individual is separated, healed and is sure of his own bucket of still half brown, dried wounds cry of the lost glory, the brilliant phase...voice of a faceless short haired kid says -- " proud of it's rich and varied heritage, i shall always strive to be worthy of my people i pledge my devotion. in their well being and prosperity alone lies..." -- am i happy?....memories choke me to death...but these feelings are strong....i don't want to become a zombie with half body attached to the green slimy breeding tearing myself bleeding...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


wait; i just touched you,
on the bed which i made for the sleep.
you didn't cuddle me in your arms
nor did your lips land on my forehead.
you're like a passenger next seat
white strands, dim eyes, holding
yourself in trembles and convulsions.
you started too early my dearest.
wait for a few more minutes, until
you feel mine; we'll go together.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

utter madness

I am walking out of phase
Stepping up the noise
A tap then jump, flick and slide
Repeating with sync, tap-ti-dap
A run, a run and then sudden turn
Do out, do in, wave on arms
A run, a run and then turn around
Out -- out -- out of control
And the last jump.