Thursday, January 27, 2011


(IMG: Fotosearch

You are writing a section which is being dictated by someone standing at a few yards from you. Your nap chemicals are having a day out in your body. It is just at the moment of their freedom that you realize your entry into the semi-sleep mode. Your hand refuses to co-ordinate with your brain or rather your brain fails to send active signals to your hand. When this sync gets disturbed, your on-the-verge-of-defeat conscious mind passes the NOC for the subconscious mind to take over. This subconscious mind is actually your second mind which has been playing a subordinate to the conscious or the first mind up till now. While you were busy writing what was being dictated, your second mind was singing a song much like a stereo playing some soothing track in the background while you indulge yourself in luxury. Writing some words being spoken is not any luxury of course! The second mind gains authority over the control station and executes its parlance via the hand which is galumphing around the page like a lost and dejected soul. You start writing down the song much like a Bollywood heart-broken hero lip-syncing a gloomy solo somewhere in the middle of mesmerizing landscapes. How can one ignore those heavenly holiday destinations! One word, two words, three, four....the words start pouring out of your karaoke jargon and it goes something like....... 'il be your drem il be your vish.....' Yes that's your favourite song! But the lease is only for few seconds and the conscious mind gains back the control before the threshold is crossed. This is only in the cases when you are sitting upright on a chair. Had you been lying down on the couch or bed, relaxing your ever stressed legs, the second mind would have strengthened its power to operate the control station for a longer time. Now you have before you, few artistically written words surprising you with their meaning and relation to what you were doing previously. Yes, its unimaginable!, you think, give an uncanny smile to yourself and take a sip of water before you resume the writing, asking yourself, "Did any one see what I did just now?"  :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Morning was at its infancy today, when
The silk breeze, golden sun and cold land,
Gave me a treasure chest
To share with the world around -    
A hope for a better, bright and beautiful future 
A hope for days full of love, peace and care
A hope for joyous and healthy generation
A hope for a cheerful world this new year.
I share these with you
With a thought in my mind 
May you forward with grit towards your aim 
Cherishing all days you leave behind.