Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jesus and child

"O Father," asks a child,
"How long can a leaf retain its greenery
It has to dry and shed one day.
How long can flowers keep their color
They have to turn black one day.
How long can a trunk remain sturdy
It has to embrace weakness one day.
How long can fruits stay sweet and juicy
They have to become stale one day."

In calm and soothing voice HE replies,
"A dust to dust rule defines,
'Life is a circle
Alternating fresh and pale.
Flowers will enjoy their fragrant dream
Just when every grey will turn green.'
And your eyes will see
The reincarnating beauty,
Oceans of joy will rise in your mind
When the transient Turning Point you find." 

Moving with all

Photo: Anders Blomqvist/Lonely Planet

This journey I take everyday
With million faces all around
Together we are still alone we feel
With myraid feelings that surround.

This journey I take everyday
A million unseen bonds I make
A bond of anonymity, fellowship, support
Bonds that randomly form and break.

This journey I take everyday
A commonness with all I share
A feeling, a dream, a desire in heart
A wish of beautiful life someday, somewhere.

This journey I take everyday
The world's progress I witness
Growth, development whatever we may name
Its all for our human race.

This journey I take everyday
How much ever trivial it may seem
Like a flowing river I move with all
In search of truth and meaning and dream.