Places, events and time spoke while I observed them unfold eerily........

While others move on,
You will have your ride waiting.
Be not worried if it’s a bit late,
You will reach your destiny anyways.
Things will seem to be moving faster,
Remember you have your own pace.
Illusions will make you anxious on way,
Be not afraid of them, come what may,
Listen to your heart and act wisely.
Thank all those who helped you.
It will only make you humble
And them happier to help others.
Believe in God and always remember Him.
Dedicate all your actions and possessions to Him.
Every thing you have is due to His Holy Grace.
Pray to Him, Praise Him.
Ask for the happiness of people around you.
Ask for the strength of this unique Blue Planet.
Ask for peace, for beauty, for love.
Believe in Him and yourself.
And always strive to make this Planet a better place.