Sunday, February 14, 2010

This race

Anxiety is stepping up each passing day,
Time is echoing the words of haste,
Procrastination has clenched my way,
I'm living obliviously in my own world.
I have long forgone my reformatory ideas,
Which have now transformed into albatross,
I dont relax anymore but galumph around,
Vanity of vanities has vacuumed my past.
Its worse to witness this slow process,
Its worse to degrade consciously,
I am blinded by illusionary white fog,
And losing courage to forward bravely.
Confounding threads failing in connections,
Are running through my vertebral column,
The disease is spreading in all directions,
Making me feel worthless and helpless.
I still dont understand my casualness,
And the withdrawal of my own limits,
'What next?' I really can't answer,
Particle by particle I am heating up.
I'm just unable to put things together,
My 3 lives are slipping from my hand,
Stressing me more are the obligations,
And unanswered queries about my plans.

I just wish I get hold of my lives,
And bring them back on track soon,
I just wish that things turn good,
Settle objects and subjects it should.
Without killing any of my facets,
I hope I do this all on my own,
I will contain all rough motions,
And train them to be straight and smooth.
Ropes to pull the chariots are thick,
But its the Hobson's choice offered,
I have to do it or let die my spirit,
Locking up my frustrations I have to steer it.
Hope to drive well on the unknown roads,
Hope to keep away from dirt at chase,
Hope to value all things along the way,
Hope to reach clean at the end of this race.