Friday, April 25, 2008


And there he laid-
Unperturbed on the black bed;
In the midst of crawling animals
If it had been me or you....
A multitude may gather!
Now his mother is searching him everywhere;
Suffice it to say-
Social animal is the worst....
For no tribute to him they pay!

Inexplicable decline

When I find my space suffocating me, I turn my attention to that inner voice shouting and screaming trying to explain me that inconvenient truth. Things stretch randomly everywhere in all directions. My completely disturbed state of mind reaches the level where its energy tries to explode itself seeking a companion for that ‘DANCE OF DEATH’. It then heads towards that untrodden path, completely unaware of the apocalyptic future.

I slowly start withdrawing from the material world. I’m squeezed, reduced and tightly wrapped in that non-elastic metal for the milieu, which starts getting darker and denser until it no longer exist for me. I then enter the world of unexplained luminescence, where the mother of light is millions of light years away, where the atoms vibrate with an energy that nullifies my exploding energy calming me down as my soul is touched by the music which breezes through me like a manna from heaven. Nothing else can be as pleasant and as soothing as that piece of noise.

It slowly starts entering my capillaries in form of thousands of rivulets moving steadily and fusing later on to form a river inside my body causing me to lose my senses. I’m transformed into a huge ocean of ECSTASY with halcyon currents dwelling inside. And under the grey sky with golden streaks, in the increasing intensity of that noise I hear the compulsive voice of my nerves, which pushes me as I dive in that ocean. I experience the feeling I’ve never felt before, euphoria I’ve never sensed before, hallucinations I’ve never seen before and the orgasm I’ve never had before. Dizziness encroaches my brain and like an invisible suction pump it slowly absorbs my consciousness. Gravity pulls me deeper into the darkness and finally in my deepest sleep, my tranquil mind and serene body touch the ocean floor where I lie motionless for countless years to come.